Return of the writer

Hello my dear abandoned readers. As you can tell from this site, it once had high ambitions but has been somewhat abandoned as of late. This is because, well, I was really really burned out. My lofty desire of being an active writer was consistently thwarted and replaced with work, work, work. However, I’d like to renew this site as a place of solace for me and give it a breathe of fresh air - the ol’ college try.

Something I’ve taken to heart lately is the maxim ‘write what you know’ and I intend to do just that. Mainly musings on what I think is ‘right’ regarding managing software engineering teams and how this affects the larger product creation process. The goal I’m setting for myself is to write at least once a week, to put myself out there, to avoid trying to be something I’m not. These words won’t be perfect nor adequately defensible. I’m writing my reflections, not my canon. I hope it serves as a place to start conversations and, selfishly, a valuable, always useful, set of permalinks for me to share. I’m writing this publicly in order to hold myself to it. Thanks for bearing witness to this promise.


Now read this

Codebase Velocity

Compiled vs dynamic? Loose vs static typing? To rebase or not to rebase? Tabs or spaces? Pursuing high codebase velocity at a startup tends to center around technology choices. However, most forget the importance of learning to “take out... Continue →